Searching for a Great Bridge Playing/Learning/Shopping Site? Look no further than The Bridge Shop

Your best bet for a one-stop “All things Bridge” experience is The Bridge Shop.  If there was a Bridge Game GPS app, then this is the first place you would be guided to for a pleasant bridge emersion.

The Bridge Shop – You have Arrived

One of the sections on this website is Eddie Kantor’s Tip of the Day. 

This is guaranteed to get you thinking with a smirk on your face. They are taken from his book: Defensive Tips for Bad Card Holders

Here are some other tips from him and even though they are often tongue in cheek – they are worth playing the game of bridge by:

10 Warm-Up Tips for Bridge Players:

  1. The game of bridge, remember dummy, is a game so never – no never forget that you are playing with a partner. Consider what things may look like from his side of the bridge table, particularly when you are privy to information that he is not.
  2. You cannot defend properly in the game of bridge if you forget the bidding.
  3. You cannot defend properly in the game of bridge if you don’t know which system the opponents are playing.
  4. You cannot defend properly if you don’t watch the cards, particularly the little chaps. And we know there are quite a few of these fellows in a pack of cards.
  5. You cannot defend properly if you don’t count.
  6. You cannot expect your partner to defend properly if you don’t refrain from pulling faces or show other grimaces of disapproval. (These days you can do that on your computer playing online bridge, but you will be persona non grata if you ever do it at the bridge table again.)
  7. Keep one goal in mind at the bridge table:  Defeat the Contract. Don’t necessarily concern yourself with overtricks unless you are defending a doubled contract or are playing tournament bridge.
  8. He who hesitates during the bidding is most likely to have a problem hand. Keep that hesitation in mind.
  9. During the defence, focus on the number of tricks you need at any given moment to defeat the contract.  Good bridge defence is based on this figure.
  10. Give your opening lead consideration as the fate of many bridge hands is determined by that one card. Use the bidding as a guide.

At The Bridge Table, a Great Tip is to Invest in a Card-Holder

Remember always count your winners and your losers; if the total does not come to 13, count your cards! 

If you can’t count your cards – then what you need is a card-holder. There is nothing wrong with using a card-holder to help you play and keep those little fellows in shape at the bridge table. There are five varieties available at The Bridge Shop to suit your play.  Check them out at